Baymont Inn & Suites Charlotte Airport (6)

Địa chỉ đỗ xe

3101 Scott Futrell Drive, Charlotte, US-NC 28208, US

Hướng dẫn

  1. Baymont Inn & Suites Charlotte Airport is open 24/7
  2. Shuttle is available 24/7 and leaves 20 minutes past each hour.
  3. Please print your reservation and check in with the front desk upon your arrival and prior to parking.
  4. Please have your make, model, and vehicle color ready.
  5. Please note that the airport recommends you arrive there two hours before departure for domestic flights and three hours before departure for international flights.



thứ hai
  • 00:00 - 23:59
thứ ba
  • 00:00 - 23:59
thứ tư
  • 00:00 - 23:59
thứ năm
  • 00:00 - 23:59
thứ sáu
  • 00:00 - 23:59
thứ bảy
  • 00:00 - 23:59
chủ nhật
  • 00:00 - 23:59


1 jour 126.450,00 ₫
3 jours 379.350,00 ₫
5 jours 632.250,00 ₫
7 jours 885.150,00 ₫
10 jours 1.264.500,00 ₫
15 jours 1.896.750,00 ₫