Please ensure you have your booking confirmation with you so you can quote your Skyparksecure booking reference.
At the barrier, sound your horn and wait for staff.
Arriving cars will be directed to park into holding bays opposite the Reception Office - these cars will be moved up later into a numbered, designated parking bay by Skypark staff at the car park's convenience for secure storage until return and collection.
For Health & Safety Reasons, customers are not permitted access to other floors without express permission of the Skypark Manager.
Once parked, the lead customer should report to the reception office to book in. You should produce a copy of your parking reservation (confirmation) and have return flight details to hand to cross-check with the car parks' to ensure they are correct. Having transferred your luggage (if any) to the waiting courtesy shuttle, you need to lock your car and hand in the keys to reception staff.
You will be expected to retain your house and other personal keys NOT relating or necessary to operating your vehicle.
You and your party will then be taken up to Manchester Airport Station where terminal Access is via the Courtesy Shuttle. The shuttle transit time varies according to traffic, but is between 10-15 Minutes either way. The Station Access has a Vertical Lift from Ground Floor to overhead Travelators to each of the Departure Terminals.