Long Stay Plus (0)

Get yourself to Long Stay Plus Heathrow terminal 5 and that's your work done. Your car is parked for you, so you can hop on the bus to the terminal right away. It's not far - only five minutes away - but you won't even have to make that short journey on the way back. They'll bring your car to the terminal for you so you can head straight home. Affordable Heathrow Parking doesn't come any easier than this.
Security measures
The Long Stay Plus car park is manned 24 hours a day and frequently patrolled by staff. It is covered by CCTV and protected by a fence. It has been awarded the Park Mark, a national security award accredited by the Association of Chief Police Officers, which is given to car parks which have a high level of security.

Информация о парковке

Heathrow TW6 2RL, GB


When you come into the car park, keep to the right hand side. Follow the orange road markings to the right and back around to the Long Stay Plus reception building. Park in the drop-off lanes and report to reception with your booking details.
Please note that transfers between 22:30 and 05:00 are on request.
If you need a transfer between these times, please call the car park direct to arrange this. The car park will look after your keys while you are away.
You need to give us your car registration number either when you book, or sometime before you go. It needs to be the right one - if you change the car you're going to be travelling in, you need to give us the new details. You must do this, or the car park will charge you £10 when you leave, because if they don't have the right registration number, it holds things up when you arrive and leave.

Transfers are included in the price and are available 24 hours a day. Transfers run every 10 minutes between 5.30am and 11.30pm. Outside these times, you should ask for a transfer using the intercoms at the bus stops. When you return from holiday, your car will be brought to the terminal.

From the M4: Leave the motorway at junction 4 and take the M4 airport access road. Follow the signs for Business Parking and Long Stay.
At the roundabout take the second turning onto the East Ramp.
You will pass the police station. At the Nene roundabout take the third exit. At the traffic lights turn right onto the Northern Perimeter Road.
Follow the dual carriageway through the traffic lights. You will pass the fire station on your right. The car park entrance is about 800 yards further along the road on the left.

From the M25: Leave the motorway at junction 14 and follow signs for terminal 5 and Long Stay parking.
At the terminal 5 roundabout take the first exit, Wright Way.
Follow this road, going straight on at the traffic lights, the roundabout and the next set of traffic lights, onto the Western Perimeter Road.
Follow this road, which will become the Northern Perimeter Road, going straight on at two mini roundabouts. After you pass Terminal 5 Business Parking on your left, Long Stay Parking will be on the right.


Время открытия

  • 0:00 - 23:59
  • 0:00 - 23:59
  • 0:00 - 23:59
  • 0:00 - 23:59
  • 0:00 - 23:59
  • 0:00 - 23:59
  • 0:00 - 23:59

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Moon parking terminal 4
Terminals Parking Meet & Greet T4 -- Park Mark®
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Holiday Extras Meet and Greet T4
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Long Stay T4
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Long Stay T2 and 3
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Long Stay T5
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Long Stay T5
Long Stay Winter Offer
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Long Stay T2 and 3
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Good to Go Meet and Greet T5
Business Parking T4
Good To Go Park and Ride T4
Good To Go Park and Ride T2 and T3
Business Park and Ride (Terminal 4)
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Purple Parking Meet and Greet T4 (was Blue Circle)
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Purple Parking T5 Meet and Greet (was Blue Circle)
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Purple Parking Meet and Greet T2 (was Blue Circle)
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Blue Circle Park and Ride - Terminal 2
Blue Circle Park and Ride - Terminal 5
Blue Circle Park and Ride - Terminal 2
Blue Circle Park and Ride - Terminal 3
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Maple Parking Meet and Greet T3 - Virgin rate
Maple Parking Meet and Greet T4
Good to Go Meet and Greet T2
Long Stay T5
Good to Go Meet and Greet
Good To Go Park and Ride
Good to Go Meet and Greet T3
Good To Go Drop and Ride T5
Maple Parking Meet and Greet T4 -Virgin rate
Long Stay T5
Long Stay T5
Good To Go Park and Ride T5
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Business Parking T4
Lion Parking
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ACE Meet and Greet T2
Drop and Ride T3
Drop and Ride T5
Drop and Ride T3
Drop and Ride T4
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