IMPORTANT : Les véhicules non autorisés sont : Utilitaires tout gabaries, Véhicules 2 Roues et se verront refusé systématiquement l’accès au parking
Arrivée de 22h à 5h du matin: supplément de 10€
1. Please arrive at 20 minutes prior to the time you have indicated on your reservation.
2. Park your vehicle following the parking agent's instructions
3. Estimated time of transfer to the airport is 10 min
Please note: Commercial vehicles and two-wheelers are not allowed.
Reminder : we advise you to arrive on the parking lot 2 hours at minimum before your flight check-in.
월요일 |
화요일 |
수요일 |
목요일 |
금요일 |
토요일 |
일요일 |
1 jour | ₩48,558.50 |
3 jours | ₩48,558.50 |
5 jours | ₩51,053.66 |
7 jours | ₩56,029.04 |
10 jours | ₩64,739.69 |
15 jours | ₩87,151.31 |