MMP Meet & Greet T2 and T3 (0)

Υπηρεσία πληροφοριών

Airside Road Tunnel, Longford TW6 1BP, GB


Before You Arrive
Please follow the directions below to the meeting point at the terminal you are flying from. You will need to have ready your 'Booking Name' and 'Booking Reference' and return flight details to check with MMP team when you arrive.

Arrival Instructions
Terminal 2 - (Postcode for Terminal 2: TW61EW). After passing through the tunnels (Tunnel road) into Heathrow Airport, follow signs for Terminal 2 Short Stay Car Park. Take the right hand lane and pass under the 2.2M height restriction, follow signs for ‘Level 4’ and ‘Off Airport', keep right and take a ticket from the furthest right-hand Ticket Barrier (please hand this to the Handover Captain). Drive straight forward following signs for ‘Off Airport Parking’. Park in one of the ‘Off Airport Meet & Greet’ parking bays in rows A or B.

Terminal 3 - (Postcode for Terminal 3: TW61QG) After passing through the tunnels (Tunnel road) into Heathrow Airport, follow signs for Terminal 3 Short Stay Car Park At the entrance barrier, take a ticket (please hand this to our Handover Captain ) Drive up to level 3 Park in one of the ‘Off Airport Meet & Greet’ parking bays.

Once parked and unloaded, please lock your car and check in with the Handover Team who are based at our desk in the lift lobby. You will need to confirm your return flight details so please have these to hand. We must have your correct return date and flight number in order to help us avoid any delays in returning your car. Your car will be photographed and taken to MMP's secure car park by one of MMP's experienced drivers, whilst you check in.

Κάντε κράτηση

Ώρα ανοίγματος

  • 12:00 ΠΜ - 11:59 ΜΜ
  • 12:00 ΠΜ - 11:59 ΜΜ
  • 12:00 ΠΜ - 11:59 ΜΜ
  • 12:00 ΠΜ - 11:59 ΜΜ
  • 12:00 ΠΜ - 11:59 ΜΜ
  • 12:00 ΠΜ - 11:59 ΜΜ
  • 12:00 ΠΜ - 11:59 ΜΜ

Παρόμοιες θέσεις στάθμευσης

Moon parking terminal 1,2,3 and 5
Apple Parking 1 meet and greet
Triangle Parking - Park Mark®
Heathrow Happydays Meet & Greet T2, T3 and T5 Only
Eden Parking - Meet and Greet (Terminal 2,3 & 5)
Moon parking terminal 4
Terminals Parking Meet & Greet T4 -- Park Mark®
Terminals Parking Meet & Greet T2, T3 & T5 -- Park Mark®
Rose Parking
Express Parking Heathrow
Heathrow SkyParkSecure Meet & Greet T4 & T5 - SUPERSAVER
Heathrow Maple Parking Meet and Greet - T2 & T3
Heathrow Ace Meet and Greet - T2 & T3
Heathrow Ace Meet and Greet - T2 & T3
Heathrow Drivefly Park and Ride Terminal 4 only
Heathrow SkyParkSecure Meet & Greet T2 & T3 - SUPERSAVER
Heathrow Reeds Park and Ride
Blue Circle Park and Ride - Terminal 3
Heathrow Valet Parking
Business Parking T2 and 3
Holiday Extras Meet and Greet T3
Long Stay T5
Long Stay T4
Long Stay Winter Offer
Long Stay T4
Holiday Extras Meet and Greet T4
Long Stay T2 and 3
Holiday Extras Park and Stroll T5
Long Stay T4
Long Stay T4
Long Stay T2 and 3
Long Stay Plus
Long Stay T2 and 3
Long Stay Winter Offer
Long Stay T5
Long Stay T5
Long Stay Plus
Long Stay T2 and 3
Long Stay T5
Long Stay Winter Offer
Long Stay Winter Offer
Long Stay T2 and 3
Maple Manor LHR Return to LGW - Virgin Rate
Heathrow Ace Meet and Greet T4 & T5
Bon Voyage Heathrow
Drivefly Meet and Greet
Long Stay T2 and 3
Maple Parking Express Park & Ride T5
Holiday Extras T5 Business Meet and Greet
Holiday Extras Meet and Greet T2
Business Parking T5
Business Parking T2 and 3
Good to Go Meet and Greet T4
Business Parking T2 and 3
Good to Go Meet and Greet T5
Business Parking T4
Good To Go Park and Ride T4
Good To Go Park and Ride T2 and T3
Business Park and Ride (Terminal 4)
Business Parking T2 and 3
Business Parking T2 and 3
Business Parking T4
Click Park T5
Business Parking T2 and 3
Business Parking T5
Business Parking Plus
Blue Circle Park and Ride - Terminal 4
ACE Meet and Greet - all terminals
Purple Parking Meet and Greet T4 (was Blue Circle)
Blue Circle Park and Ride - Terminal 3
Blue Circle Park and Ride - Terminal 4
ACE Meet and Greet T3
Purple Parking Meet and Greet T4 (was Blue Circle)
ACE Meet and Greet T4
Purple Parking T5 Meet and Greet (was Blue Circle)
ACE Meet and Greet T5
Purple Parking T5 Meet and Greet (was Blue Circle)
Purple Parking Meet and Greet T2 (was Blue Circle)
Purple Parking Meet and Greet T3 (was Blue Circle)
Purple Parking Meet and Greet T3 (was Blue Circle)
Blue Circle Park and Ride - Terminal 4
Purple Parking Meet and Greet T2 (was Blue Circle)
Blue Circle Park and Ride - Terminal 5
Blue Circle Park and Ride - Terminal 2
Blue Circle Park and Ride - Terminal 5
Blue Circle Park and Ride - Terminal 2
Blue Circle Park and Ride - Terminal 3
Business Park and Ride T5
Maple Parking Meet and Greet T3 - Virgin rate
Maple Parking Meet and Greet T4
Good to Go Meet and Greet T2
Long Stay T5
Good to Go Meet and Greet
Good To Go Park and Ride
Good to Go Meet and Greet T3
Good To Go Drop and Ride T5
Maple Parking Meet and Greet T4 -Virgin rate
Long Stay T5
Long Stay T5
Good To Go Park and Ride T5
Maple Manor Upper Class Wing T3 - Virgin Rate
Click Park T4
Business Parking T4
Lion Parking
Heathrow Maple Parking Meet and Greet - T4 & T5
Apple Parking 2 meet and greet
ACE Meet and Greet T2
Drop and Ride T3
Drop and Ride T5
Drop and Ride T3
Drop and Ride T4
Drop and Ride T4
easyHotel Parking
Heathrow Drivefly Meet and Greet - Recommended
Drop and Ride T5
Bee Parking
Heathrow Drivefly Park and Ride
MMP Meet & Greet T4 and T5
Eden Parking - Meet and Greet (Terminal 4)
Heathrow Royal Meet and Greet
Heathrow Drivefly Meet and Greet
Heathrow Ace Meet and Greet - T4 & T5
Heathrow Happy Days Park & Ride (T2, T3 and T5)- Park Mark®
Blue Circle Park and Ride - Terminal 2
Drop and Ride T2
Blue Circle Park and Ride - Terminal 5
Drop and Ride T2