Give Meet and Greet Stansted a call when you're about 20 minutes from the airport. Drive to the Express Set Down zone, which is up the ramp outside the terminal entrance. Your driver will meet you here. It will cost £4 to get through the barrier. Hand over your keys to the driver, who will inspect your car and drive it to a secured car park, while you walk across to the terminal in 1 minute. Your car will be waiting for you at the Express Set Down zone when you return - just remember the £4 charge for the exit barrier. Security measures Your car will be stored at a secured car park, with CCTV, a fence and floodlights.
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Meet and Greet Stansted, Waltham Hall Industrial Estate / Mole Hill Green,Stansted Airport, Dunmow CM6 1PP, GB
Give the car park a call on 07967 162 399 when you're around 20 minutes from the airport. Your driver will meet you at the Express Set Down zone which is up the ramp right outside the terminal. Be aware you'll need to pay £4 at the entry barrier.
Hand over your keys so your fully insured driver can take your car to a secured car park. Then walk across to the terminal in 1 minute. Be aware that you'll need to pay entry and exit fees of £4 each when your drop off and pick up your car. Directions From the south - Exit the M11 at junction 8a. - At the roundabout, you'll need to take the fourth exit onto the A120 Thremhall Avenue. - Take the third exit at the next roundabout. - Follow this road for around a mile then take the Stansted Airport exit, branching left. - You'll come to a roundabout, take the second exit, continuing onto Thremhall Avenue. - You'll shortly arrive to Coopers end roundabout. Take the second exit onto Terminal Road North. - When you reach the barrier you'll need to pay £4 to enter. Your driver will meet you at the Express Set Down zone.
From the north - Exit the M11 at junction 8. - At the roundabout, you'll need to take the first exit onto the A120 Thremhall Avenue. - Take the third exit at the next roundabout. - Follow this road for around a mile then take the Stansted Airport exit, branching left. - You'll come to a roundabout, take the second exit, continuing onto Thremhall Avenue. - You'll shortly arrive to Coopers end roundabout. Take the second exit onto Terminal Road North. - When you reach the barrier you'll need to pay £4 to enter. Your driver will meet you at the Express Set Down zone.