AB Parcs Charenton Liberté


139 Rue de Paris, 94220 Charenton-le-Pont, FR


  1. Rendez-vous à ABparcs/parking public Valmy Liberté situé au 139 rue de Paris, 94220 Charenton le Pont, France.
  2. Rendez vous à l'acceuil du parking afin de vous identifiez et récupérer les clés et un ticket de sortie.
  3. Rendez vous à votre véhicule et faite l'état des lieux via l'application TravelCar
  4. Vous pourrez ensuite quitter le parking

Few details about the rental car process

Few details about the rental car process

  • The vehicle is provided to you with a certain gas level left by its owner, please ensure to bring the vehicle back at the same gas level. If this is not the case, we will charge you the gas difference.
  • You're renting someone else's vehicle, thank you for taking care of it and return it clean (inside and outside). In case you're unable to do so, a cleaning fee will be assessed to you.
  • Please note : every ticket will be charged to you in the amount of $15.
  • Any modification to your pick up and drop off times must be done by phone at (888) 807-0209, before the start of your rental. Any late or missed reservation times, without the prior approval of our team, will be billed.

You will need to present the following documents :

  • Your credit card used for the security hold (Card must be in the same name as the driver's),
  • An ID is required for each driver of the vehicle,
  • A driver's license for each driver of the vehicle (In case of a Driver's license in a foreign language, please present an official translation ),

NOTE : Without these documents, our agents will not provide you with a vehicle.

Rezervišite vaše vozilo

Radno vreme

  • 9:00 - 18:00
  • 9:00 - 18:00
  • 9:00 - 18:00
  • 9:00 - 18:00
  • 9:00 - 18:00
  • 9:00 - 18:00