Newark Airport Parking
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Most convenient offers for parking near Newark Liberty

Newark Airport Parking : People who visit the Newark Liberty airport in their cars to catch a flight or pick someone up always find it difficult to locate a free parking space to park their car. To avoid the difficulties, you should find a cheap parking space near the Newark Liberty airport using the TravelCar service.

The parking area of Newark Liberty Airport

Newark Liberty International airport is the primary airport that is serving the U.S. state of New Jersey. The airport resides between the cities of Elizabeth and Newark and its located only 24 km southwest of New York City, which makes it easier for the people living in one of the largest cities in the world to access the airport quite easily. The Newark Liberty Airport is also the third-largest hub for the United Airlines, one of the most traveled airlines after Charlotte Douglas International Airport and Seattle–Tacoma International Airport.

Cheap parking near the Newark Liberty Airport

As the Newark Liberty Airport was the first major airport in the United States, it’s quite famous in the States for that reason. Since it’s so famous, a lot of people in the States tend to use this airport to travel to the place they want to go. Because there is so much crowd at the airport all the time, it can be very difficult to find a free parking space at the airport. Instead of parking at the airport, most people just park near the airport using the TravelCar service to find the cheapest available parking spaces. TravelCar has been regarded as one of the most trusted services by a lot of the top magazines. They provide you with multiple choices of good parking locations then you can choose a location that suits your need the most. Majority of the people using this service get a parking space near the hotel they’re staying at, which is what you should do as well. And now that a shuttle service has been opened by TravelCar, you will transported to the airport from your parking space within minutes. If you don’t want to park the car yourself, you can use TravelCar’s valet parking, which is quite cheap. Your car will always be under video surveillance.

TravelCar has provided its customers with top-tier service and whenever they get complaints, they fix that issue and just keep on improving. It’s this mentality of TravelCar that has made the customers build a strong relationship with them. Now, people leave their keys with them when they go away on their trip and their keys are kept safe and quite by TravelCar.

You must remember one thing before you book your parking space. There all always some very reasonable offers available for people who are going away for more than 3 months. If you are lucky, your parking space can be free of cost as well. On the other hand, if you do not belong in this group, don’t worry, TravelCar will provide you with the best and cheapest available parking offer.

Get a shuttle to get to Newark Liberty

To ease people’s mind of traveling by foot to the airport from their parking space, TravelCar has launched the shuttle service to transport people quickly from their location to the airport. This shuttle service is absolutely free and your luggage will be taken to the airport for free as well. If you worry about the time it will take to shuttle to drop you, we can tell you the average time it takes for a shuttle to complete a trip is about 6 minutes, which is quite quick.

To make it more convenient for you, the shuttle will pick you up from the parking location where your car is parked and drop you right in front of the departure terminal so you don’t have to walk much. Similarly, if you are coming back, the shuttle will pick you up from the arrival terminal and drop you right in front of your car. Then you can get your keys back and enjoy a good drive back to home!


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