Parking Airport Toronto Pearson
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Book parking at Toronto Pearson airport with TRAVELCAR

Travelcar's car-sharing service connects travelers in two ways: one as a mediator between private individuals, the other as a professional car rental company. It has become the European leader in this field, and is known for its offers that give customers the opportunity to reserve a parking space close to the airport. To satisfy its customers' needs to the full, Travelcar has several agents and branches at their disposal. To meet customers' needs, a website is available to welcome and guide them. The site is available at any time of day, even at night and on public holidays, and offers a wide choice of rental cars. The best part is that reservations can be made directly online, without having to go anywhere. Travelcar is the market leader in this field, attracting the attention of travelers with its unique offer and impeccable service. Currently, many users around the world are already satisfied with its offerings. With a presence in almost every corner of the world, Travelcar's services are also available at Pearson Toronto International Airport.

Lester B. Pearson Airport is the first airport in the Greater Toronto Area. It is Canada's busiest airport, handling 31 million passengers a year. It ranks 29th out of hundreds of the world's busiest airports. In addition to Billy-Shop Airport, Pearson International Airport provides regular service to Toronto.

How to book a parking lot with Travelcar

Reservations are made free of charge online on the website. Alternatively, you can contact the site's customer service team immediately if you need their services at the last minute. Note that the call is valid from 9:00 am to 7:30 pm on working days and from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm, but on Saturdays, the reservation is valid at any time.

Airport location

The airport is located 22.5 km northwest of downtown Toronto, serving the city and the entire Golden Horseshoe agglomeration; Toronto is home to 8.5 million people. Air traffic is fairly high, as the airport is open to international flights from almost every country in the world. 

Parking facilities at Toronto Pearson International Airport

Toronto Pearson International Airport has extensive parking facilities. Users benefit from valet parking, whether for short-term, daily, economy, Viscount, Economy or Cellular parking. The waiting period is always free.

  • Short-term parking is dedicated to people who have come to the airport to accompany or pick up passengers. It is just a few steps from terminal 1.
  • Daily parking is just a few steps from the departure hall.
  • The economy parking lot offers affordable indoor parking.
  • Reserved parking at the Viscount station provides quick access to Train Link.
  • The economy car park offers excellent value for money for people who have to be away for a long time and want to park their car there while they're away.

All these parking lots are available by reservation only. As Canada's busiest airport, it's not easy to find a free space. That's why a number of parking agencies offer their services, so that travelers can enjoy their stay without worrying about the safety of their vehicle. Here's a look at what Travelcar has to offer users of Toronto Pearson International Airport.

Airport layout

Toronto Pearson International Airport has two terminals, Terminal 1 and Terminal 3.

  • Terminal 1 was built to accommodate domestic and international flights. It has 3 piers (D, E and F) and 58 gates. Pier F replaces Terminal 2, which was demolished. Pier F is the gateway for cross-border flights. Two of these gates can accommodate an Airbus A380 aircraft. This terminal is used by several airlines, including Air Canada, Star Alliance, Emirates, Air France and Alitalia. The Maple Leaf Lounge was designed by Air Canada for travellers who have to wait for their flight. It also houses the large Plaza Premium Lounge.
  • Terminal 3 was built in 1991 to compensate for Terminals 1 and 2, but as Terminal 2 was destroyed, Terminal 3 became more important. Today, the terminal has 39 gates with 3 piers (A, B, C). The main airlines using it are Westjet and Air Transat. There are 5 lounges, including the American Airlines Admirals Club, British Airways, KLM Crown Lounge and Plaza Premium Lounge.

As for runways, there are 5, plus some 30 taxiways linking all the runways.

Access to Toronto Pearson International Airport

Located in the middle of Ontario's Golden Horseshoe, the airport is easily accessible. It is connected to all major highways and public transit lines. This is why it has become Canada's busiest airport. You can get there by car, shuttle, train or bus.

By car, it takes about 30 minutes from downtown Toronto. You can also take a cab or limousine, but it's advisable to choose one with a Toronto Pearson International Airport permit. To find one at the airport, go to Terminal 1, Gates C and D, Terminal 3 (domestic arrivals), Gate B, and Terminal 3 (international arrivals), Gate F. Taxis cost around $60.

By train, the line to the airport is the Union Pearson Express Train. In just 25 minutes, you'll arrive at Union Station, located at the airport. The UP Express terminal is located in Terminal 1, and the fare is $12.

Toronto has the largest public transit network in North America, with buses, subways and streetcars.

Travelcar's offer to private customers

Passengers at Pearson Toronto International Airport can take advantage of a wide range of low-cost parking facilities. Located just a few minutes from the airport, it's easy to get to, and your vehicle will be parked in a location with optimum security 24/7. What's more, security guards are always on site, and surveillance is reinforced by cameras. With a free shuttle service from the parking lot to the airport, customers have no need to worry about getting around.  Online booking has also been introduced to avoid the hassle of travel, and should you need it at the last minute, you can book immediately online.

Calling Travelcar will always benefit you, because no time is wasted and your satisfaction has always been Travelcar's priority. Access to the parking lot is as follows:

An agent is present at your parking location (indicated at the time of booking). His or her role is to welcome you and take you through the car's condition. The shuttle will then take you back to the airport, to your departure terminal. On your return, you'll be taken back to the parking lot from your arrival terminal. The price of parking includes the cost of transport from the parking lot to the airport, as well as the cost of parking.

Direct access to the parking lot

Located just a few meters from Toronto Pearson Airport, the parking lot is easy to find. You can also ask an agent to guide you. Once your reservation has been confirmed, Travelcar's agents will give you all the contact details and information you need.


Parkfix24 - covered
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Carefree Parking
Mein-Valet-Frankfurt Parkhaus
Parkinsel24 Frankfurt Airport
Safety parking 24 (valet)
FRAPARK Airport - Shuttle Service
Frankfurt Parkservice - Valet Service Tiefgarage
Space Parking
Park Box Frankfurt Airport - Valet Service
Der Parkplatz - Tiefgarage & Valet Service
Frankfurt Airport Parking - Tiefgaragenplatz & Valet Service
Frankfurt Airport Parking - Tiefgaragenplatz & Shuttle Service
Parkdeck24 - Valet Service
Atlas Parken - Valet Service
Park Paradies - Shuttle Service (mit Aufladen von Elektroautos)
Mein-Flughafenparkplatz-Frankfurt P3
Parkspace24 - Valet Service & Freifläche
Frankfurt Airport Parkservice - Tiefgaragenplatz & Valet Service
Park Paradies - Valet Service (mit Aufladen von Elektroautos)
Mein-Flughafenparkplatz-Frankfurt P2 Außenstellplatz
Parkspace24 - Valet Service & Parkhaus
Mein-Valet-Frankfurt Außenstellplatz
Sparparker Frankfurt Airport - Shuttle Service Außenparkplatz
Parkfuchs24 Shuttle Service
Star Parkplatz 1
Supreme Parking - valet
Mein-Flughafenparkplatz-Frankfurt P1
Aeroparkservice - Shuttle Service Freifläche
Sparparker Frankfurt Airport - Valet Service Parkhaus
Sparparker Frankfurt Airport - Shuttle Service Parkhaus
Mein-Flughafenparkplatz-Frankfurt P1 - Überdachte Stellplätze
Frankfurt Parkservice - Valet Service
Frankfurt Valet24 - covered
Delux Parkplatz - Valet
Star Parkplatz 2
Skyblue Parking
Prestige-Parking - shuttle
Fra Parkplatz Mangat -Schuttle
Diamond Valet
Parkhaus VP24
Star Parkplatz Innenbereich
FRA ACCES - Shuttle - shuttle
clever parken 24 (valet)
Shuttle parking - valet
Parken Frankfurt - Uncovered
Parken Frankfurt - Covered
Premium Parking covered (Valet)
MyWoMo Parking - Valet Service
Parkfix24 - uncovered
Frankfurt-Valet-Service - Tiefgarage
Prestige-Parking - valet
Clean Valet Park Service Außenparkplatz
Clean Valet Park Service
Skyparking24 - Tiefgarage
Frankfurt Valet24 - uncovered
wir parken dein auto24 - Valet - covered
wir parken dein auto24 - Valet - uncovered
Clean Valet Parkservice - Uncovered
Clean Valet Parkservice - covered
MyWoMo Parking - Shuttle Service
Fra Parkplatz Mangat-Valet
Parke und Fliege Parkhaus valet
Stern Valet
Parke und Fliege Parkhaus schuttle
Mein-Flughafenparkplatz-Frankfurt Parkhaus
clever parken 24 (Shuttle)
First Class Parking Uncovered - Valet